Visual Facilitation in Action!
Create visual tools for your trainings, and practice and improve your skills
23, 24 & 25 April 2025 | Lyon | France
Are Nonviolent Communication and Visual Facilitation your super powers, and do you speak either French or English?
Then this 3-day workshop in Lyon is an awesome opportunity for you to practice your visual skills, create visual tools for your workshops and trainings, test them and give and receive feedback from other Nonviolent Communication experts who happen to be visual practitioners as well!
Do you feel unsure about invigorating your visual practice and creating new tools for your Nonviolent Communication trainings, workshops or the meetings you lead, completely by yourself?
This 3-day workshop is designed to create and test visual tools together!

You are not alone in your desire to be supported in the creation of new visual tools. That’s why this workshop offers a space for creating and testing them.
And what works better than doing that alongside and with other Nonviolent Communication practitioners who are visually literate empathy experts, able to give and receive constructive feedback?
My shortest definition of visual empathy is
“a visually attuned expression or response, expressed with the intention to deepen our understanding and create connection.”
Nonviolent Communication
➜ You transmit or lead with Nonviolent Communication, and …
Visual Facilitation
➜ … you have followed at least one visual facilitation training with me or someone else, and …
French or English speaking
➜ … you speak at 🇫🇷 French or
🇬🇧 English.

APRIL 23, 2025
Visual Warm-up & Preparation
Warming up by practicing is always an effective start to get ready for creating visual tools. On the second part of the day we visually empathize with your audience and start preparing for the visual tool(s) you wish to create to visually support their learning experience or guide the process you will facilitate.

APRIL 24, 2025
Create Visual Tools
Werther you want to create a flipchart series for your upcoming training, or visual templates for a workshop, or a visual check-in tool, or images for a handout, or a tool for a specific NVC practice, anything is possible and welcome. This day is dedicated to creating tools and receive guidance in the process.

APRIL 25, 2025
Test Tools & Feedback
Before using what you created with your own audience, you have a chance to test what you created. We split up in groups to to present your tool or facilitate a piece of your workshop or session, and to give and receive valuable feedback from other NVC experts and visual practitioners.

Grow and learn and a visual practitioner and expand your visual library with relevant visuals, visual metaphors, flipcharts, models, processes, […] for your topics & audience(s)

This workshop is a space for practicing giving and receiving needs based feedback, and expressing our appreciation for what we learn from each other.

Are you effectively using visual language and can you simplify your message to make it stronger?

How do you support your audience harvesting valuable insights and important message while engaging in your meeting, training or workshop?

Is what you mean to say or what you want people to do coming across?

Increase the effectiveness of how your audience engages with your visual tools.

Bring more playfulness, humor and lightness into the (virtual) room

Increase interaction, connection, and engagement in your meetings, workshops and trainings.

Maximise the possibilities to use (and re-use) the visuals and visual tools you create in your meetings, trainings, workshops, social media, marketing, etc.

Increase the chances to meet needs during your meetings, workshops and trainings, leading to greater satisfaction and nourishment of your audience.

The flipchart Gabriëlle made during the training.
Gabriëlle Leguijt
Nonviolent Communication Practitioner & High Care Pediatric Nurse, Intensive Care Children, UMC Amsterdam
“What helped me the most by attending Mireille’s training is how you can get visual insight into your target group you want to work with and how to overcome the obstacles in my mind to start drawing. I now enjoy my newly developed skills very much. Other than that, this training is designed very well. Mireille could not have put more into these two days. I don’t know what could be improved. In any case, I am still grateful to Mireille every day.”

Right after the in presence training, Gabriëlle created a flipchart series for her the Empathic Communication training she offered at work.
Facilitator, Lyon, France

Visual Facilitation in Action
Lyon France
23, 24 & 25 April 2025
- Translation English < > French
- 3 days of workshop (09:00-17:30, 90 minutes lunch break)
- Practical approach to actively learning and creating
- Exercises to develop your skills
- Feedback on the work you create
- Practical tips & tricks
- Coffee & Tea
Tuition fees & sign up with the organizer, available at
Concertience / Francoise Keller
26, rue du Sergent Michel Berthet, 69009 Lyon, France

Hi, my name is Mireille van Bremen and I am a Dutch national, and live in Slovenia since 2006. I value transparency, wellbeing and peace, and I believe peaceful relationships are the result of how capable we are in listening and seeing each other. That’s why I create, design and offer products and programs that help us develop and use our visual and emotional intelligence to promote these values.
My education and years of experience in the fields of graphic design, illustration, visual facilitation, graphic recording, training and Nonviolent Communication form the basis of my work and collaborations.
Besides offering products in The Visual Empathy Shop, I work at conferences, seminars, workshops, in mediation sessions and in training settings in the roles of Visual Empathy Trainer & Coach, Visual Mediator and Graphic Recorder.
Barbara Fortuna
Trainer & Coach, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Cara Crisler
Crisler Coaching & Consulting, NVC Practitioner, Haarlem, the Netherlands
”Mireille’s contributions to me started when I first contacted her and she took the time to listen to my needs. She helped me feel completely welcome to follow her Visual Facilitation training (bypassing the belief that I didn’t have enough skills). In just 5 online sessions, she taught me how I can enhance my work as a trainer by sharing information, demonstrating her work, and giving highly interactive feedback. Recently, one of my workshop participants (who knew me from a previous course) said, “Your new visuals bring the information across with much more clarity,” which helps me know Mireille’s training was a very effective investment.”
Nina Gorjup
Director of Corporate Communicate in TPV Group, Novo mesto, Slovenia
Mireille is not only a great expert in visual communication, but is also excellent in transferring her knowledge to the participants of her workshops.
The special value of her workshop Clear & Impactful Flipchart Presentations is is that one gets a lot of useful tips as well as learns the basic principles of visual communication that are helpful not only in preparing flipcharts but also other elements such as powerpoint presentations, advertisements, posters, etc. It is amazing to see how, by following her tips, a flipchart comes to life in a completely different way.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have no visual skills or talents, does it make sense to sign up?
For this workshop basic visual facilitation and visual empathy skills are required as the program does not cover them. This means you have followed at least one training with me or another trainer, in person or online.
Is this program a training?
Though I will offer some training, this program really is more a workshop in which you practice, develop your skills and (co-)create visual tools.
So even if you haven’t practiced and integrated. a lot since your last training experience, participating in this program is always a good time.
Is participating in this workshop helpful if I already create flicpharts?
Totally! This workshop is about co-creation, testing and receiving feedback from other trainers and leaders who understand Nonviolent Communication and who have experience with visual facilitation. These three days will enrich your toolbox, strengthen your skills and invigorate your creativity.
However, if you have any doubts, then please schedule a free call with me to present some work and discuss to find out if this program is an effective strategy for meeting your current learning needs in regards to designing your training presentation material. No strings attached. Email me at
What are the requirements for participating in this workshop?
– you have basic visual facilitation skills (learned from me or another visual facilitation trainer).
– you transmit or lead with Nonviolent Communication.
– you speak at least French or English.
Antoinette Wibbelink
Certified Nonviolent Communication trainer & coach, The Netherlands
“I highly recommend Mireille for her teaching and coaching skills in visual facilitation. In the live training she helped me realize that there is something like: a visual language! And I discovered, that I wasn’t aware of it, allthough I used some illustrations in my trainings. In a one-on-one coaching session afterwards, she helped me see and understand more of it by giving me helpfull feedback to the visuals, (flyers and flipcharts) that I had made after the training. I experience her as not only very good in visuals, but also very empathic and clear in her communication.”
Klavdija Novak
Trainer & Coach, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Octavian Istrate
Certified Nonviolent Communication trainer, Romania
It’s been nine months since I have took the “Design Your Own Flipchart Series” Online Course, and now I can see fully its long-term benefits.
This course created a very big shift in my abilities and trust to express my ideas through drawing flipcharts that would support both me and the participants. I went from writing horribly on a flipchart to having the ability to create something clear, simple, structured and at the same time authentic. And I get lots of positive feedback from my participants.
I want to emphasize that I don’t know to draw at all, and this is not a requirement in order to create a clear and helpful flipchart. [This being said, I would like to improve my drawing abilities]
The structure of the course and the information helped me in staying engaged and learning continuously. Not too much info, not too little, and very many practical exercises.
I particularly enjoyed Mireille as a trainer, especially the personalised feedback and attention that we all got from her. I had the perception that she is really interested in supporting us in custom ways, depending on what we want to accomplish and what we want to learn.
I higly recommend her to anyone who wants to use flipcharts or any other visual support as a way of improving their trainings!
Visual Facilitation in Action
23, 24 & 25 April, 2025 | Lyon | France
Ideal for practicing and improving your skills and for creating and testing your visual tools for your Nonviolent Communication training, workshop or the meeting you lead.
The Visual Mediator
Mireille Annette van Bremen s.p.
Žlebej 1a
8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
VAT ID: SI10975748
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