Co-creating Peaceful & Sustainable Futures
Have you noticed that what you say and mean, is not always what people understand?
Or even worse, they may even attribute a different meaning to your words, leading to misunderstandings, misinterpretation, confusion, distance and conflict.
If instead you were hoping that the impact of your communication would lead to connection, engagement, focus, peace and alignment, then you depend on its clarity and effectiveness.
Visual communication helps to clarify and makes visible what you like people to see and understand.
Visual facilitation helps to guide dialogue and navigate complexity and unknown terrain.
Both of them contributing to the (co-)creation of an aligned and peaceful path forward within relationships, community, business, teams, departments and organizations.
If you are looking for an all-round communication expert to co-create a large, multi-lingual project, with several products, programs or courses, that you will disseminate in various countries and through a variety of media channels, I am interested in discussing with you what you are up to and to explore how we can co-create and collaborate.
Joint Vision of the Future Leaders of the Western Balkans,
created during the Jumbo Meeting of the WeLead Project,
designed, organized and executed by CEF, Ljubljana, Slovenia on July 5h, 2023.
Every (potential) assignment starts with a conversation with my client, to ensure I really get the picture of what the visual should convey.
In order to grasp the essence and see the bigger picture, I always start off with a conversation. I want to really understand what is needed and wanted, what the purpose of the work is and what motivates you to request a visualization.
Preferably I also involve my clients in the creation process because you are the content expert, I am the visual expert and together we co-create the best possible result.
The creative process is like a silent empathic conversation between my client, speakers, authors, the audience and my markers and heart.
For as long as I am sketching, drawing, designing, or creating a graphic recording, I do not stop empathising with all the stake holders involved. I must attune myself in order to create a meaningful visual that considers everyone’s perspective, background and needs.
Just like a mediator mediates between different parties.

Hi, I am Mireille van Bremen. I am a Dutch national and live in Slovenia since 2006, from where I collaborate on projects with people from all over the world.
I value transparency, fairness, peace and wellbeing, and I believe peaceful relationships are the result of how capable we are in listening and valuing each other’s contribution in co-creating the future. This why I create, design and offer products and programs that help us develop and use our visual and emotional intelligence to promote these values.
My studies at the Willem de Kooning Academy of Art, my years of experience in the fields of graphic design, illustration, graphic recording, visual facilitation training and Nonviolent Communication based coaching, training, and conflict resolution, form the basis of my work and collaborations.
I love to combine my professions as a graphic recorder, (visual) facilitator, trainer, coach, art-director, graphic designer, illustrator and Nonviolent Communication trained conflict coach & mediator.
I work mostly in English, Dutch and Slovene, understand some German, and am very comfortable collaborating with translators and interpreters too. Many projects I work on, are bilingual or are translated to multiple languages.
The projects I work on include visual facilitation, graphic recording, visual summaries, training, workshop & retreat design, online courses & programs, design of reports, brochures, publications, guidebooks, books, chocolate wraps, cards, posters, guidelines, bags, notebooks, handouts, brand identities and style guides.
Visual & Emotional literacy. Leadership, organisation, facilitation, trainer, communication, empathic listening and empathy skills. See and visualise the bigger picture. Make the invisible visible & tangible. Graphic recording, Visual facilitation, Art direction, Graphic design, Illustration, Conflict resolution, coaching & Mediation, Nonviolent Communication, (Online) Marketing & Business
The topics I enjoy working on are Communication & Conflict Resolution, Training & Facilitation, Leadership & Development, Business & Economy, Social & Political Science.
Values that influence my decision making on whether or not to co-create a project are transparency, fairness, equality, awareness of autonomy and interdependence.
Where ever my presence is required, I am happy to travel internationally or locally to meet and collaborate in person. Otherwise I enjoy working online or in a hybrid combination.
If not working at a location of my choice, I work at conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops, in mediation sessions and in training settings.

Mediate Your Life
Learning Materials to Navigate Life’s Challenges with Self and Others

The Visual Mediator
The Swan Collection – Exquisite gifts for relationships that matter.

Zasavje Regional Development Center
Zasavje Circular Academy

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences – Drive 0 Sustainable Built Environments

CEF Fiscal Implication of Structural Reforms (FISR) 2021

CEF Structural Reforms Integrated Within Fiscal Frameworks (FISR2) 2024

Council of Europe Youth Partnership
Research Papers on Social & Political Science in the Youth Field

Becoming a Part of Europe – Youth Work Impacts Europe

Council of Europe Youth Partnership
Insights – Meaningful Youth Political Participation in Europe

Council of Europe Youth Partnership
Trainer Kit 14 – Value-based Learning in Mobility Projects

European Academy on Youth Work
Study of Innovation in Youth Work

Austrian National Youth Council
Youth Goals

AEIOU Universe
Executive Programme: Future CEO 2023

AEIOU Universe
Executive Programme: Future CEO 2024

WeLead: EU Scheme for Young Professionals in the Western Balkans

Mediate Your Life
Learning Materials to Navigate Life’s Challenges with Self and Others
CEF > Making of the Graphic Recording of the WeLead Jumbo meeting 2024 > Joint Vision of the Future Leadership of the Western Balkans > Made in Slovenia
CEF > Making of the Graphic Recording of the WeLead Jumbo meeting 2023 > Joint Vision of the Future Leadership of the Western Balkans > Made in Slovenia
Zasavje Regional Development Agency > Zasavje Circular Academy Workshop 3 June 2024 > Made in Slovenia
Roxy Manning > How to Have Anti-Racist Conversations > Book Trailer
Veronique Prins > Kick Ass Business Coaching Challenge > Online Event
Danielle Riemersma > Masterclass > Online Event
AEIOU Universe > Executive Programme: Future CEO > Made in Slovenia
Zasavje Regional Development Agency > Zasavje Circular Academy Workshop 1 April 2024 > Made in Slovenia
CEF > WeLead Jumbo meeting 2023 > Joint Vision of the Future Leadership of the Western Balkans > Made in Slovenia
CEF > FISR2 > Empowering Coordinators for Reform Agenda Implementation in the Western Balkans > Made in Slovenia
Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs > VIENNA +25 World Conference of Human Rights > Made in Austria
ReSPA > Annual Conference Innovation in Public Administration > Made in Montenegro

Tina Žagar
senior officer, communications

“I am grateful for the opportunity to cooperate with Mireille in helping us create a visual story about our organization’s strategy and a project where we engage young professionals who act as key agents of EU integration processes and public administration reform.
This collaborative process involved several meetings during which we first presented our understanding to Mireille. Our conversations involved extensive questioning and iterative feedback to ensure that the right and relevant information was shared. By thoroughly discussing and refining the information during these meetings, we ensured the final visuals accurately reflected our strategy and the project summary. This commitment to detail and clarity enhanced the quality of both visuals.
As content experts, we worked with Mireille, the visual expert, to co-create the best possible outcome. I was impressed by Mireille’s exceptional ability to listen (and hear) and translate complex ideas into clear, concise visuals that improve comprehension and tell an engaging and compelling story.“
Veronique Prins
business coach, The Netherlands

“I am known as a ‘chatterbox’; I talk fast, I talk a lot, and am passionate about sharing as much knowledge as possible. Because it is ‘lots’ and ‘fast’, not everyone can keep up. I like visualising my examples too, but they remain mere words, and are never as powerful as images.
Therefore Mireille made a graphic recording of a 4-day summit that I organized. After every hour of training, Mireille published its visual representation.
This way, two things happened. Now participants could see in addition to hearing my words, suddenly some extra pennies dropped; often making them understand even better what the training had been about. Because Mireille made it visual, participants could not only understand the training better, they also remembered more.
It made an already powerful training even more valuable for my participants, during but also after our meeting.“
François Beausoleil
Certified Nonviolent Communication trainer, coach
”All through the process of working with Mireille on several projects I have been impressed and delighted by what she brought in terms of skills at the level of content, very high reliability, ease of working together, creativity and empathic presence.”
Daniëlle Riemersma
business coach

I recommend Mireille, because she makes a very professional visual report of the webinar. The content of the webinar is clear at a glance and the results are made visual. The material is also of a very high level and you can use directly in your marketing. Mireille is also a very nice personality to work with. Besides she also advises you how to apply the content created and comes with surprising approaches and possibilities.
I can definitely say this helped me to easier get more clients and that it is an important part of the development of my company’s to make my materials visual as well. Now everything comes together and I can communicate much better and convince people of my message.”
In which languages do you do this kind of work?
- Dutch: native proficiency
- English: full proficiency
- Slovene: sufficient proficiency
- German: basic proficiency
- Other languages: basic documents Dutch, English or Slovene, following documents from translations into other languages.
Do you work internationally?
Absolutely! I love travelling to your venue and I also enjoy working online.

Are you looking for a communication expert with the skills of a graphic recorder, visual facilitator, visual facilitation trainer, and conflict coach & mediator, to co-create a complex, multi-lingual, international project?
Email me at to plan a non-binding consultation to discuss the possibilities.
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The Visual Mediator
Mireille Annette van Bremen s.p.
Žlebej 1a
8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
VAT ID: SI10975748