Mediate Your Life | John Kinyon
Learning Materials to Navigate Life’s Challenges with Self and Others
California, USA
This interactive guidebook serves as both a visual guide and practical hands-on tool for everyone looking to strengthen their ability to navigate life’s challenges.
The Mediate Your Life Map will guide you step-by-step through processes designed to help you face, navigate through and transform any challenge in your life. This guidebook is the perfect companion to the Mediate Your Life Posters, Mobile App, Personal Development Journey, and Professional Training Program.
It provides valuable support as you delve deeper into the transformative tools that turn life’s challenges into opportunities for growth, helping you create the life you want and empowering you to help others do the same.
- Language: English
- Dimensions: Letter size
- ePub
- 79 pages


Discover your inner compass. These posters offer a clear overview of universal needs and feelings, supporting mindful self-connection and compassionate communication in every aspect of life.
Use these visually engaging aids to support conscious awareness and cultivating empathy, authenticity, and connection. Perfect for your home or office to support personal growth, healthy relationships, and transformative coaching.
These posters are the perfect companion to the Mediate Your Life Guidebook, Mobile App, Personal Development Journey, and Professional Training Program.
Language: English
- Dimensions: Various US and EU sizes
- Digital Downloads for self-printing

Author | John Kinyon has dedicated his life to creating, facilitating, and teaching the Mediate Your Life approach. Rooted in the international work of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Mediate Your Life provides not only shifts in consciousness but also a map to the world of human conflict, with practical steps for navigating life’s conflicts and challenges—transforming them into opportunities for connection, collaboration, and new possibilities.
One of Marshall Rosenberg’s (founder of NVC) most trusted students, John is now an internationally recognized figure and certified trainer in NVC. With over 25 years of experience, he has facilitated, trained, and mediated with thousands of people around the world.

Visual Facilitator & Graphic Designer | Mireille van Bremen works as a bridge between complex ideas and audiences, using visual tools to clarify, present, and interpret information. Through graphic recording of discussions and visual facilitation of processes, Mireille supports getting all stakeholders to speak one voice, making it possible to create a joint vision of the future that all stakeholders are committed to.

Are you looking for a communication expert with the skills of a graphic recorder, visual facilitator, visual facilitation trainer, art-director, graphic designer, illustrator and conflict coach & mediator, to co-create a complex, multi-lingual, international project?
Email me at to plan a non-binding consultation to discuss the possibilities.
The Visual Mediator
Mireille Annette van Bremen s.p.
Žlebej 1a
8000 Novo mesto, Slovenia
VAT ID: SI10975748
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